LLI Purple Sampler and Sample Books

Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention is a powerful, supplementary intervention designed to bring struggling readers to grade-level competency through intensive, supportive lessons and high-quality, original leveled books.

Download the Leveled Literacy Intervention Purple System, grade 5 to read about LLI’s research-based characteristics, and how to implement LLI to achieve maximum effectiveness.

System Sampler includes:

  • an introduction to the principles on which Leveled Literacy Intervention rests
  • the many features and components of the system
  • fifteen key characteristics of effective literacy interventions that are essential for intermediate and middle grade students who need to improve their reading competencies
  • an outline of the four types of lesson frameworks along with a complete sample lesson for each type
  • two sample student books
“The real measure of a school’s effectiveness is the care taken to meet the needs of every child—not just with service but with real results.”
—Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell

 Engaging. Efficient. Effective. LLI is teaching that works.