
Your next writing minilesson is already planned!

Get Focused
is a digital writing resource unlike anything you’ve ever seen. If you’re looking for help planning engaging writing lessons, this is for you.

Ralph Fletcher has created 23 on-demand video lessons where he teaches a minilesson about the craft of writing. You’ll also get access to accompanying PDFs to help your students put the lesson into practice in their writing.



Complete this form to access a free digital lesson you can try in your classroom!

In this free sample lesson, you’ll receive access to the minilesson video and accompanying PDF for Lesson 11: “Include Emotions.” In this lesson, Ralph:

  • uses photos to highlight the importance of emotion and feelings in stories
  • shares tips for including feeling in writing
  • talks about revealing emotions through specific details
  • shows how a character’s reaction can help communicate feelings to a reader

Access this free lesson now to see how Get Focused can support your writing instruction.